Building an Extension – Professionals You Need In 10 Easy Steps: Produce a tender report

Tender Report

Step 9 – The tender report

We are really making good progress now and its time to find out who the winners and losers are by completing the tender report, this is a summary of all our findings from the previous steps.

To recap we have through the Review and adjudicate the tender returns in the previous step,

Compare the tenders for the tender reportReceived comparative costs from each contractor and we have levelled the playing field and got rid of any errors.

Carried out a site visit for the tender reportCarried out a site visit of previous projects by the favoured contractors, checked website for projects completed and followed these up.

Reviewed lead in timescales to include in the tender reportReviewed the details relating to lead in time for the contractors to give them time to arrange materials and labour prior to starting on site.

tender report the overall timescales Reviewed the details of the overall duration of the project and will now have a confirmed completion date

We then produce the tender report that will score each section mentioned above to arrive at the most economical tender, this will cover the following points.

  • Total cost
  • Feedback from site visits
  • Lead in time
  • Time on site
  • Our recommendation

To view a sample of the Tender Report

Weighting the scores

The importance of each section can be varied to weight the results in a particular area, but it is important to assess all factors prior to doing this as moving the weighting too greatly in favour of pricing for example

Would you want to pay a premium price to achieve an earlier practical completion? Or get a balance of cost and time?

In our experience the latter produces the best combination of value and time, this approach will also give you the best end product.

The next step is to notify the contractor who has been chosen and produce the tender documents

Next let’s look at step 10 – Contract award and prepare the formal contract